Brooke’s 6th Birthday

6 Apr

Today was Brooke’s 6th birthday.  It is hard to believe that it has been 6 years since her birth (I know I sound like every other parent, but it is true!).  It goes too fast!  We try to make birthdays special at our house.  I think this will be especially important since we have 4 kids.  At least they are guaranteed one day a year just for them. (Well, nothing is fully guaranteed with 4 kids:)

IMG_2746Her last picture as a 5-year old…she was a little upset because she had left Holly (her American Girl Doll) at church.  She loves her dolls like they are really her children.  (It should be noted that daddy went to church at 10:00 p.m. and searched for Holly so she could be safe in bed with Brooke…what a sweet dad!)

Today proved to be a special day for Brooke.  We chose to have her “friend” party next Saturday since her best friend, Grace, is out of town this weekend.  She didn’t want a party without Grace:)  So, today we celebrated as a family + Ashley!  The weather was PERFECT!!

Brooke's Birthday 1

The day started with donuts per Brooke’s request. (Gluten free, of course…which means they cost a lot more than regular donuts, but tasted a lot less! Ha!)  After breakfast, we had gift time.  Brooke got a new bike and PINK legos (pretty smart on Legos part to start making pink ones because I am pretty sure that is the only reason she wanted them…Ha!).

We then took a family bike ride/run around the neighborhood.  She loved her new bike!  But what girl wouldn’t?  It is pink, purple, sparkly, and has streamers coming out of the handlebars???  I think I want one, too!

Brooke's Birthday 2

Lunch was at Los Amigos per Brooke’s choice.  She ate at Los Pinos for her birthday last year and enjoyed the hat, song, and ice cream so much, she wanted to go Mexican again.  Los Amigos won over Los Pinos because of the buffet…we were all hungry after the bike ride!

Brooke's Birthday 3

We then made a quick stop at the Library to get her library card!!  Our library requires you to be 6 years old before you can get a library card.  She has been awaiting this day for a long time.  It is a special “rite-of-passage” in our house:)

Brooke's Birthday 4

We then headed to Draffenville to play putt putt golf at Maggie’s Jungle Golf.  We have been looking forward to a trip to Maggie’s for a while now…always a fun time (even though I am terrible and probably came in last!).  And, you can’t go to Maggie’s without snow cones!!

Brooke's Birthday 5

After the putt putt, we enjoyed more sunshine at Mike Miller Park.  (Notice the picture of Josh on his phone??? I caught him!!  He really wasn’t on his phone much…but I caught his quick check of the golf scores:)

Brooke's Birthday 6

After the park, we headed home for peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, popcorn, and birthday brownies!!  (Who wouldn’t love a supper full of that junk food??)  (The picture of Caleb is to show you how excited he was about us singing “Happy Birthday”!  He loves it when we sing…he always thinks we are singing to him!)

After typing this post, I can’t believe we did all that in one day!!  We had a wonderful day celebrating Brooke, but are all worn out tonight.  Why is it that after such a fun day, every kid has to have at least one break down??  Oh well, they are all in bed now, and I am getting ready to head that way too!

I am so thankful for my little girl!

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